Rick’s Official Statement: Apologizes to Jon Stewart & Others
Within days of being let go by CNN, Rick released a statement in which he told the public that he had personally apologized to Jon Stewart. He then went on to apologize to all others who had taken offense. And rather than blame CNN, or the news media with their damning and incorrect headlines, or claim that he was a victim, Rick did what so few do in our society today: he took responsibility. Rick’s statement read,
On October 4th, I had a very good conversation with Jon Stewart, and I had the opportunity to apologize for my inartful comments from last week. I sincerely extend this apology to anyone else whom I may have offended.
As Jon was kind enough to note in his show Monday night, I am very much opposed to hate and intolerance, in any form, and I have frequently spoken out against prejudice. Despite what my tired and mangled words may have implied, they were never intended to suggest any sort of narrow-mindedness and should never have been made.
In the aftermath of these comments, CNN and I have decided to part ways. However, I want to go on record to say that I have nothing but the highest regard for CNN and for my six wonderful years with them. I appreciate every opportunity that they have given me, and it has been a wonderful experience working for them. I have tremendous respect for everyone there, and I know that they feel the same about me. There are no hard feelings — just excitement about a new future of opportunities.
I look forward to my next step with great anticipation.
This would not be the only time that Rick would apologize. Days later, he appeared with George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America. Rick again took full responsibility, making clear that he didn’t say—and certainly never meant to imply—that Jews controlled the media:
First of all, that is not what I meant. Second of all, I apologize and it was wrong for me to be so careless and so inartful. But it happened and I can’t take it back and, you know what, now I have to stand up and be responsible… Rick Sanchez screwed up.
Ironically, Rick’s apology was reported with mostly snide commentary and dismissiveness. It’s a sad commentary on our cynical society when a man attempts to repent and make amends only to be met with the desperation of 24-hour networks looking to fill their daily void and blogs willing to generate controversy for some traffic.
We live in an age where the media attacks those who apologize for their mistakes and who don’t apologize for their mistakes with nearly equal vigor. If the incorrect headlines in reporting the story weren’t enough, Rick’s apologies seemed to be written off. One media outlet dismissively stated that, Rick’s “apology tour rolls on.”
How can a person ever be make amends when every action he makes is simply viewed with cynicism and sarcasm?