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Darrin JohnsonDarrin Johnson from US wrote at July 26, 2014, 7:45 pm:
Rick we need your insightful view to todays pressing issues... Get back into the mainstream bro!!!
John ChlebusJohn Chlebus wrote at September 24, 2012, 10:44 pm:
Rick, we all miss your broadcast, yet appears people (anchors) disappear a lot on CNN. If your in Colorado Springs, CO look us up.
Lilibet WilkersonLilibet Wilkerson from Scottish, French & Swiss-German wrote at June 5, 2012, 10:59 pm:
I really enjoyed your show on CNN and was sad to see you had to leave. I was surprised today to find an email from you with a bunch of news commentaries that I enjoyed reading! I was born and reared in the Dem Rep. of the Congo - a child of missionaries. My outlook is often different from other "regular" Americans and I feel a kinship with anyone who is "foreign born"!! I speak French and Tshiluba and I am learning Spanish now. As a retired HS teacher who still subs, I use my Spanish often to speak to and make friends with the Hispanics at school and in our church!! KEEP UP YOUR GOOD WORK!!!
Fabio BrazFabio Braz from MA wrote at April 6, 2012, 4:03 am:
Baldwin sucks! My 3o'clocks are not the same anymore! Rick has to come back
Damita chatmanDamita chatman wrote at March 24, 2011, 9:56 pm:
Rick I miss you on CNN. It's not the same. They need to put all bullshit aside a hire you back!!!!
Annie CarsonAnnie Carson wrote at March 24, 2011, 8:31 pm:
Hi Rick, I have a 12 year old son who would come home from school and watch you on CNN. when he did not see you on your show he was deeply saddened. Seth is half Irish and half Puerto Rican. He was so excited to see a hispanic person on TV broadcasting world news. It was because of him watching your show, he asked me to go back to college and finish. Seth said to me one night "Mom, latinos are smart and can be on TV like rick Sanchez broadcasting news. I want you to be an educated Latino like him". I did and now have an Associates degree, soon pursuing a bachelor's degree, as well. You touched the heart of a little twelve year old boy and showed him how minorities can empower themselves with an education. Thank you Rick, God Bless you and good luck in your future endeavours! AC
Charles LeBlancCharles LeBlanc from Fredericton Canada!! wrote at March 24, 2011, 12:49 am:
The biggest Blogger in New Brunswick Canada < East of Maine > missed him!!!! Everyone deserves a second chance!!! 🙂 Hang in there Rick!!!
BruceBruce from Toronto, Canada wrote at March 23, 2011, 11:32 am:
Still looking forward to seeing Rick back on the air where he belongs, the news is just not the same, when it's just some "Talking Head" reading script, Hell, i could do that. The news seems to be missing that " PASSION" that so few seem to have nowadays, but Rick had in spades... C'mon back Rick... Good Luck and God Bless....
martinmartin from monterrey mexico wrote at March 18, 2011, 10:27 pm:
CNN was wrong , I watched it all the times , after your firing I dont watch It at all. My friend you should legally handle this issue
juliette bowenjuliette bowen from new jersey wrote at March 18, 2011, 12:01 pm:
Bottom line... glad you had time with your wife and children... in the end... that's what's really important. Looking forward to seeing you on your new program. Most of us don't get the time to reflect. Now I am sure you will be better than ever. Dios te bendiga. Miss u! Juliette