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AjanthaAjantha wrote at January 20, 2011, 10:35 pm:
Hi Rick, Just wanted to say that you are a great reporter, I miss your show on Cnn. Hope you will have a show somewhere else soon. Thanks for keeping us up to date all those years with what is going on in the world. Bye, .Ajantha
ChellagChellag from Oregon wrote at January 20, 2011, 6:30 am:
Hey Rick. Sure do miss you in the afternoon. I'm a fan of both you and Jon Stewart. Seems this just got out of hand and CNN acted before really thinking. I hope to see you on another network soon...or hey, CNN might come to their senses and ask you to return. There's a big hole in their afternoon programming w/o you.
Marriam NMarriam N wrote at January 20, 2011, 4:38 am:
Dear Rick, I really do miss you I had just begun to discover you and looked forward to watching your show each day. It was the part of my day where I got to sit back and relax and find out what was going on in the world in a very fun, relate-able, and enjoyable way. Most of the shows are too dry or they lack substance, creativity, and credibility. You are one of a kind, amazingly talented, and not a conforming cookie-cutter type of guy. I was trying to win a copy of your book when you first announced the release. Your voice is strong and it tells the story of what everyone really IS thinking. I admire you for that reason and many others.
Maggie RehmanMaggie Rehman from Miami wrote at January 20, 2011, 4:28 am:
Hey Rick, this Pierce guy who replaced Larry King won't make it thru the month of June. That spot should be yours. I have written CNN requesting your return. I think YOU should be in the Larry King spot. I visualize you on that spot and you know what happens when one visualize, eventually, IT WILL HAPPEN. Just remember It was my prediction. This is Maggie from Miami and mark my words. Rick Sanchez back on CNN replacing Pierce what's his name.
Rosemary MorrisRosemary Morris from Nevada wrote at January 20, 2011, 1:51 am:
Hey Rick Sanchez. I am so sorry you are not on CNN....I for awhile picketed so to my fb comment....about you being gone and that I was part of the support to get you back but unfortunately they did not listen..hope you are back on soon..loved your show...Brooke was a good report but you were the best in my mind...
Mike - who loves the RED SOXMike - who loves the RED SOX wrote at January 20, 2011, 12:38 am:
Rick, You were the best part of CNN. You should have gotten Campbell Browns show.. You did a hell of a reporting job on the oil spill and it's affect on the people in that area. CNN's loss will soon be someone elses gain. JUST DON;T SELLOUT TO FOX and that box of Bozo's. God Bless
Sandy BrandtSandy Brandt wrote at January 19, 2011, 9:51 pm:
I really miss you as part of my afternoon. Brooke is all right but her voice and delivery is just not Rick Sanchez. Your voice was easy to listen to and you were such a good interviewer. I also enjoyed when you had viewer input. I sure hope you are back with your own show soon. Maybe the new Regis ??
RodrigoRodrigo wrote at January 19, 2011, 7:20 pm:
Hi Rick, thank you for coming back into to the spotlight. We miss you on CNN and for the record, I have not watched CNN since your departure with the exception of the Tucson Shooting. I & and all your fans support you 100% and beyond.
joanne walshjoanne walsh from oakville, ontario Canada wrote at January 19, 2011, 6:19 pm:
Mr. Sanchez; I'm a Canadian and I loved your style of reporting especially your interview skills. Would you consider working in Canada? We could use someone with your talent. Thank you .
daleanne headdaleanne head from canada wrote at January 19, 2011, 5:56 pm:
Miss you on CNN. Had my pvr set for Rick's List every afternoon...really miss seeing your view on the day's events. Hope you are back on air soon, 🙂