Tag Archives: bigot

Mar 16th, 2011

Abe Foxman of the ADL: Controversy “Put to Rest”

Rick met with Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, and apologized for his comments. Foxman accepted Rick's apology and said that the controversy surrounding Rick's comments, "can be put to rest."

Dec 29th, 2010

Hear it YOURSELF — What Rick Really Said During the Interview

To read the headlines, Rick's interview was a "meltdown" or some conspiracy theory filled diatribe. In reality, it was none of those things. Listen for yourself.

Dec 29th, 2010

Rick’s Official Statement: Apologizes to Jon Stewart & Others

Rick personally apologized to Jon Stewart and released an official statement apologizing for his remarks.

Dec 29th, 2010

Jon to Larry King: HIRE RICK BACK

Jon on Rick: "[T]he idea that they would have fired him [Rick] for calling me a bigot. I think if that's the reason, hire him back tomorrow..."

Dec 29th, 2010

Jon Stewart Sanity Rally: Rick is not a Bigot

"If we amplify everything, we hear nothing... Not being able to distinguish between... real bigots and Juan Williams or Rick Sanchez is an insult..."

Dec 29th, 2010

Hitch: Rick’s Comments “Uncontroversial”

"[W]hat has to strike the eye about both sets of [Rick's] remarks is how uncontroversial they are... He didn't descend into saying that there was Jewish control of the media..."

Dec 29th, 2010

Jon Stewart: Rick Didn’t Believe What He Said

"...if they [CNN] fired him for making some intemperate statements... I gotta tell you, I’m not even sure Rick Sanchez believed what he was saying."

Dec 29th, 2010

Rick Apologizes on Good Morning America

"I said some things I shouldn't have said. They were wrong. Not only were they wrong, they were offensive."