Tag Archives: interview

Mar 23rd, 2011

Rick’s Letter to Abe Foxman of the ADL

After their meeting several weeks ago, Rick sent the following letter to Abe Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, and once again apologized for his comments last September.

Dec 29th, 2010

Hear it YOURSELF — What Rick Really Said During the Interview

To read the headlines, Rick's interview was a "meltdown" or some conspiracy theory filled diatribe. In reality, it was none of those things. Listen for yourself.

Dec 29th, 2010

Hitch: Rick’s Comments “Uncontroversial”

"[W]hat has to strike the eye about both sets of [Rick's] remarks is how uncontroversial they are... He didn't descend into saying that there was Jewish control of the media..."

Dec 29th, 2010

Headlines versus the Truth

Media outlets ran devastating, incorrect headlines that Rick had said or implied "Jews run all media." The problem is that Rick never said that.

Dec 29th, 2010

Jon Stewart: Rick Didn’t Believe What He Said

"...if they [CNN] fired him for making some intemperate statements... I gotta tell you, I’m not even sure Rick Sanchez believed what he was saying."

Dec 29th, 2010

The Nation: Tasing Rick Sanchez, Bullying & Double Standards

Leslie Savan, a three-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, argues that what happened to Rick was just bullying, poor and simple.

Dec 26th, 2010

Washington Post: Rick Referring to White Liberal Elites

Looking at the context of Rick's remarks, Rick was: "...referring not to Jews, but to snooty white liberal elites who don't understand minorities."